Wildfire in Nahuel Huapi Park: Control Strategies

The fire in Nahuel Huapi Park has affected 5,885 hectares. Defense strategies are being implemented to protect nearby communities, while firefighters battle the flames.

Wildfire in Nahuel Huapi Park: Control Strategies

A forest fire keeps the Nahuel Huapi National Park on alert, although it currently does not pose a threat to the Paso Tandil area. The combat strategy is focused on protecting the populations of Cascada los Alerces, which are closer to the flames coming from the slopes of Cerro Colorado. In the area of Casa de Té and entablonado, firefighters have worked manually to create a defense line 7 meters wide and 1,200 meters long, extending from the stream that descends from Las Melisas to the Manso River.

In another sector, between Cerro Alcorta and Laguna Quetros, direct attacks on the flames have continued with water teams, and a helipad has been established on the slopes of Cerro Alcorta. As a precaution, the firefighters were withdrawn from Los Manzanos on Wednesday due to increased fire activity and the arrival of a cold front. So far, about 5,885 hectares have been affected by the fire.

Despite recording 3.5 mm of rain on Thursday in the Los Manzanos area, the fire remains active in that area. According to the Emergency Committee, coordinated by the Nahuel Huapi National Park and the Directorate for the Fight Against Forest Fires and Emergencies, the fire continues to spread on the northeast slope of Cerro Colorado toward the isthmus of Lakes Martin and Steffen from Cascada los Alerces.

Combat operations have involved overflights to update the perimeter, water drops from helicopters, and ground assessments to access critical areas. In Cerro Bastión, the fire has advanced intensely over previously burned areas and zones with green vegetation. 110 firefighters have been deployed to work on the ground, supported by a hundred people in various logistical and operational aspects, including forces such as the Argentine Army, maritime prefecture, and federal police, among others. The arrival of a cold front has generated a large column of smoke in the Manso Inferior area, causing ashfall.